Jet Lag Massage

  • 60min Balinese body massage
  • 30min Neck-shoulder massage

1.5hrs/IDR1,050,000 | 2hrs/IDR1,350,000
Internet Rate: 1.5hr/IDR525,000 | 2hrs/IDR675,000
Price incl tax and transportation (2 people), no additional cost


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It helps your body to recover from the stress of flight and time difference. You’ll definitely feel much better! The perfect way to start your holiday.

Jet Lag Massage
1.5hrs/IDR1,050,000 | 2hrs/IDR1,350,000
Internet Rate: 1.5hrs/IDR525,000 | 2hrs/IDR675,000
Price incl tax and transportation (2 people), no additional cost



Several strategies you can employ to minimize jet lag effects:


  • Gradually adjust your schedule: If possible, start adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before your trip to match the time zone of your destination. This can help your body adapt more smoothly to the new time zone.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight to stay hydrated. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, as they can contribute to dehydration and disrupt your sleep patterns.
  • Get sunlight exposure: Sunlight helps regulate your body’s internal clock, so try to spend time outdoors during daylight hours upon arrival at your destination. This can help signal to your body that it’s time to be awake.
  • Take short naps strategically: If you’re feeling extremely fatigued upon arrival, taking a short nap (20-30 minutes) can provide a quick energy boost without interfering too much with your sleep schedule.
  • Avoid heavy meals and stimulants: Heavy meals and stimulants like caffeine can disrupt your sleep patterns and make it harder to adjust to a new time zone. Opt for light, nutritious meals instead.
  • Use sleep aids cautiously: While it may be tempting to use sleep aids such as melatonin or medication to help you sleep, do so cautiously and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. While they can be effective for some people, they may not be suitable for everyone and can have side effects.
  • Stay active: Engaging in light exercise or stretching upon arrival can help increase blood flow and reduce feelings of fatigue. However, avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime, as it may make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment: Make your sleep environment as conducive to rest as possible by minimizing noise, light, and distractions. Consider using earplugs, an eye mask, or white noise machines if necessary.
  • Be patient: It may take a few days for your body to fully adjust to the new time zone, so be patient with yourself. Try to avoid scheduling important meetings or activities immediately upon arrival to allow yourself time to acclimate.